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Are you still thinking of taking a break over the festive season?
So- Should the crew keep working through the festive season?
"Given that this is the festive season, can the bank tax be spent 10 times over?"
Just what he needed to make the festive season go with a swing.
She was furious that the work could not be done during the festive season.
There are many different plants used around the world during the festive season of Christmas.
All around her, people were celebrating the festive season with their families.
Yet how many people this Christmas will be going into debt to pay for the festive season?
It's not too late to book a beach holiday for the festive season.
The local fire department is just around the corner, but I hate to trouble them in the festive season.
Now there is a sobering thought for the festive season!
River Island women's range has already got party dresses in for the festive season.
Some of my targets were also talking about their arrangements for the festive season.
I wish you, dear readers, all the best in the festive season.
Maybe it was the inevitable consequences of the festive season, but almost 47,000 were present against United.
It may be kitsch, but this is the festive season.
There are now four weeks before the festive season.
During this day people visit their relatives, friends to enjoy the festive season.
However, in 2003, the government allowed firecrackers to be set off during the festive season.
Also, while I hate to say it, now's getting close to the time when we need to think about the festive season - and presents.
It was designed to help customers that find saving for the festive season difficult.
The festive season would forever be tainted by their daughter's death.
They're working on a new show for the festive season, but it's not the traditional pantomime.
With every good wish for the festive season and the New Year ahead.
An entertaining mix of music and chat to start your day for the festive season.
In 2010 there were no episodes over the festive period.
You seemed to have acquired a second stomach over the course of the festive period.
Ferguson hopes he will grow fat in the festive period.
I'm not drinking for a month but that's mostly because I need to save money after spending too much during the festive period.
The play is set around the festive period, a season of peace and goodwill, a time for miracles.
It is then stripped daily across the festive period for the full 13 episodes.
The family's electricity bill costs them £5,800 over the festive period.
Inevitably, there have been many other disasters around Wales over the festive period.
Most stores will only exchange goods for 28 days, although this is sometimes extended over the festive period.
This means that customers using the card during the festive period will not have to pay any interest on purchases until March 2013.
But of course, many of you will be taking to the roads throughout the festive period.
We follow children visiting hospitals over the festive period.
Alan Green with all the reaction to the big footballing issues over the festive period.
So how have Britain's high street and online shops fared over the festive period?
Carols are also recorded at local schools and played out on the station during the festive period.
It wasn't, I admit, necessarily eaten on the day but certainly during the festive period.
There is no Sunday service apart from during the run up to the festive period in December.
The following day is a public holiday and marks the end of the festive period and the return to school.
So if you have house guests for the festive period it could be that they might be staying four or five days.
The festive period is an expensive time of year and many may be thinking about using their flexible friend to tide them over this season."
Have a great remainder of the festive period.
Would he survive the festive period without a tipple?
The success or otherwise of the festive period for both teams will be defined by the result of this game.
The team had a tough time after the festive period and gradually slipped towards the relegation places.
We'd originally thought about renting a cottage but nowhere seems to allow for anything less than 7 nights over the festive period.
On the first proper day back at work after the festive holidays the overwhelming feeling amongst the team was can't be bothered!
The festive holiday greenery that drapes the building above the windows will be decorated with little American eagles, as it was during the war years.
The silver pieces that might have adorned the festive holiday dinner table back in our grandmothers' and great-grandmothers' time were something else again.
KEEP the brain cells sharp over the festive holiday by tackling the puzzles on page four.
The first title in the series, "Customs of Christmas and the Festive Holidays", appeared in 1979.
Popular weekly magazine Tea Moderna features an interview with the Wohlers family during the festive holiday season.
Neither of us is fussed where we spend Christmas, our biggest constraint is probably cost of accommodation as it will be a premium during the festive holidays.
One Sabbath a year emphasizes meditation, and on the festive holiday of Lag Ba'Omer, children roast marshmallows around a campfire.
Harris was heard covering for Chris Evans on Drivetime BBC Radio 2 over the festive holiday 2007/2008 and 2008/2009.
Pope John Paul will arrive in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening as Israelis, dressed in costumes, will be celebrating the festive holiday of Purim.
She had been on the run for the better part of four consecutive days, missing out on the festive holiday celebration within the biosphere while running for her life on the Outside.
Manila-based Cebu Pacific airline gained fame by dancing through their safety routine to the backing of Lady Gaga, but this time have updated it for the festive holiday period.
On September 25, 2003, the night of Rosh Hashana, a Palestinian militant from the Islamic Jihad Movement killed two residents, including a seven-month-old baby girl, while the family was eating the festive holiday meal.
THE immediate post-Christmas and New Year period is an opportune time to check your weight and count the excess pounds put on after the festive holiday - and a time to count the cost to your health and make a serious attempt to reduce the surplus.
Having increased by 10% the previous weekend, Arthur Christmas now sees its weekend tally rise by a further 9%, with third-frame takings of £2.53m. While families evidently weren't too sure about seeing a Christmas flick in mid-November, interest is building as the festive holiday approaches.
With most of their farming tasks done, the "residents" of the restored village settle down to enjoy themselves, passing the festive holiday season leisure time just the way folks did more than a century ago -with sing-alongs around the parlor piano, church chorale concerts, and bonfires around which to sip hot chocolate.