Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Fifthly, several young girls find her an example of many good works and ways.
Fifthly and finally, let us remember that good diplomacy is built up over many years.
Fifthly, it makes sense also to deal with controversial matters.
Fifthly, there are greater opportunities for crime in modern society.
Fifthly, it is clear that the number of inspections needs to be increased.
Fifthly, the tea should be put straight into the pot.
Fifthly, we must continue in our single-minded fight for human rights.
Fifthly, the grids are the central market place for the markets.
Fifthly, Europe is becoming ever more important, yet of decreasing interest to its own citizens.
Fifthly, there is the option of operating a more efficient service.
Fifthly, the disappointment at not returning home becomes another loss.
Fifthly, I am, in addition, able to agree to several amendments on accounting practice.
Fifthly, I very much agree with paragraphs 81 and 82 on compensation.
Fifthly, I hope to see a broad information campaign on the new possibilities for cooperation in our countries.
Fifthly and finally, anyone reacting to a significant loss will come to a time of acceptance.
Fifthly, the financial services industry in Argentina has never recovered from the crisis.
Fifthly, his future position in Rome depends heavily upon your favor.
Fifthly, we hope a boost will be given to international governance and institutional reform.
Fifthly, we will manage to persuade the rest of the world to follow our obligations.
Fifthly, rather than merely talking about a reduction in red tape, we must actually address this problem at long last.
For fifthly he is so obviously reasonable that you are inclined to doubt this.
Fifthly, I believe it is extremely inappropriate for this matter to have been included under the item on human rights.
Fifthly, of course, the networking of researchers is also important.
Fifthly, we must demand a change in Turkey's laws.
Fifthly, we would insist that transparency is one of our governing principles.