Each single was accompanied by a special picture card.
"Can't you see a kid buying gum and taking out a picture card of your uncle?"
When the students go to real stores, they take their picture cards with them and purchase actual groceries.
Finally they ran out of that, at least for the moment, and Heller got back to his picture cards.
"First one to turn over a picture card loses."
Set one consists of picture cards numbered 1 to 16 with a star in the corner.
The two sets of picture cards form pairs by matching their numbers.
The complete version of the test contains 32 picture cards.
All its letters are in lower case and the picture cards incorporate both approaches.
Colorful picture cards, which come with the phone, are placed over appropriate buttons.
You've got to hold your face cards back, pretty thing like you.
If such a hand includes a 5, it cannot hold any face cards.
All the face cards in the deck each count as ten.
The face cards appear to have little value, since they do not bring points.
If any district needs its own representative, not a political face card, it is this one.
Aces can be played on the top of the face cards.
I said, slapping down five face cards given me on the deal.
He shows the faces again, but one of the cards is a face card.
Each face card in the deck also has a point value.
Twelve face cards: The number of months in a year.