Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
We must use these file cards, one for every person.
The new figures also saw a significant change of the file cards.
Unlike series 1 and 2, it did not include file cards.
Using a file card is a key to keep files sharp.
She has boxes full of notes and file cards on it.
He handed it to his customers on a file card.
I was going over my file card system for modeling assignments.
This would be the general format for all the file cards that followed.
She had the file cards, of course, but they just weren't the same.
The old man had printed it out for her on the back of a file card, which was still stuck in the book.
The owner of the action figure is encouraged to cut out the file card and save it.
He pins the filing cards in order on a bulletin board.
Near the inside end of it, Ryan saw, was a file card, taped in place.
Our "file cards" are spilled on the floor, nor were they ever in order.
The names filled both sides of the file card on which he had printed them.
He just introduced people from these little file cards he had.
Both women were transferring confidential student records from file cards on to computer.
She gestured to the file card in her hand.
She had read the names somewhat haltingly off a file card in front of her.
Did you ever do a file card on it?"
At the meetings, customers are weighed and note their weight on file cards.
According to the file card it was immediately forwarded for further processing.
I followed him up a rear staircase, arranging the file cards in my head.
He gazed up at the ceiling, putting his mental filing cards in order.
He was happy taking notes on file cards that he carried with him.