Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
It came to Filmer that he was the most isolated person in the world.
I couldn't imagine any of them having the nerve to stand up to Filmer and demand their money.
Filmer had been sitting with his back to me, it was true, but near enough to overhear.
On the death of his son without issue in 1756 the manors passed to the Filmer family.
And Filmer walked between them saying not a word except by way of unavoidable reply.
Filmer hadn't even glanced at me, still less had known me.
Could Filmer have been so stupid as to get the horses' names wrong in addition to the cities?
Filmer's own thoughts must anyway have been thrown in a tangle.
I risked a glance, looked away, Filmer's mouth was a tight line.
Filmer also suggested that Adam's absolute authority came from his ownership over all the world.
It was Filmer's business, he wrote, "to overthrow liberty and truth."
Filmer, I was interested to see, had been to see his horse before departure.
According to Filmer, the power of fathers was central to the workings of both the family and the state.
Rather than take any chances, he decided to bulldoze Filmer into silence."
But, happily for Filmer, this person's colloquial methods were more convincing.
They were that Filmer's bedroom was in that car.
Filmer must therefore say that men are duty-bound to obey their present rulers.
But it must not be imagined that these interviews followed hard upon Filmer's proclamation of his invention.
Given so much, and what was not good in Filmer's manner and appearance became an added merit.
And Filmer was lying on the billiard table in the green pavilion with a sheet about his body.
And this is the story one makes, putting this thing with that, of Filmer's life and death.
Hicks was wrong in anticipating a provincial professorship for Filmer.
How was Filmer feeling at the time?
Filmer made to move on, but Banghurst was immovable.
Filmer was at that moment with the Lorrimores.