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Looks far more filmic to me than the Swedish version.
"I've always tried to do shows in a filmic way.
In terms of its filmic form, it is conventional cinema.
He is a very filmic filmmaker who really uses the medium to tell a story.
It's a filmic piece that has something to say about the song lyrics and the feel of the music.
"I will be inventing his filmic works for some time to come," she promised.
The footage may also be graded to have more of a "filmic look."
"Many of my songs I think of as very filmic."
It contains the first published examples of their filmic artwork.
How close can and should a filmic depiction of a psychedelic experience get to the real thing?
The filmic postcard tradition was continued with clips based on each country.
I've tried to take a more filmic approach.
Filmic images of death and carnage are pornography for the military man."
She also continues her painting, filmic and photographic work.
Ms. Silver is a filmic historian with a love, understanding and passion for the neighborhood.
Thomas lacks a film archive and any filmic record of him would be extremely helpful.
Martin's work has a filmic quality to it.
It is shot on high-definition video, adding quality and giving the series a filmic look.
There is also a filmic quality to all three pieces, which unfold in brief episodes on a dark stage.
Which is one reason some of Ms. Light's filmic effects are distracting.
He also used jump cuts to progress certain scenes, changing the pace of the action for filmic effect.
Followed by two more high profile filmic campaigns in France in 2008/2009.
The couple stress that their distribution plan is much more than the filmic equivalent of vanity book publishing.
Series 1 of Knight School was shot with a filmic effect and had impressive production values.
And, he added, with unsettling filmic flair, "You could bring down a lot of households simultaneously."