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My mouth tasted like old filter screen, and just about as dry.
If this is not possible, you can - as mentioned above - rely on blue filter screens.
Automatically, they each reached up and turned their filter screens to maximum density.
She slid into the duct, motioned him past her, then replaced the filter screen.
"And this filter screens the program through a system of random errors," Prudence said.
The finished brew then drops back through a filter screen into the lower carafe.
It was the result of Bartlett's so-called "filter screen."
I pulled its crumbling filter screen from its outlet.
Red became puzzled when Brodie finished by asking for the filter screen.
The ducts were caked with the grease of years and periodically blocked by huge filter screens.
Both reactors at a nuclear power station have been shut down after high volumes of jellyfish were found on seawater filter screens.
The only real danger he ever encountered was when he chanced on work parties servicing the filter screens.
Static electricity can be generated by air sliding over a wing, or a non-conductive liquid flowing through a filter screen.
"Didn't the filters screen it out?"
Specific outpatient waiting list initiatives to reduce the delay for children referred to the eye clinic (filter screening)
Pardue's aircraft had metal on the oil filter screens as well as part of a piston ring.
Krii demanded, his pockmarked face twitching visibly as he removed the heavy filter screen.
The dryer's curve-shaped filter screen was fitted with letters, so that words were gradually embossed as sheets of lint formed.
A piece of fuel filter screening placed across the top of a mason jar works well, as does a fine-mesh tea strainer.
Gaaya adjusted his filter screen to maximum intensity to protect his eyes from the unseen gamma rays.
A second set of filters screens the light given off by the fluorescing sample, so you are only looking at a narrow, safe, part of the spectrum.
First the ore was ground up and sieved by rocking mechanical jaws and rollers and vibrating filter screens.
Brodie simply pulled a cloth cover over the cathodoscope while Red packed the lesser appliances, including the powdered filter screen into the box.
Here there was no need to shield the glare that flickered out from beside the parchment filter screen that fronted the cathodoscope.
Laboratory tests revealed massive amounts of the same unusual microbe Mycobacterium fortuitum in both the filter screens and patients' sores.