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One reason is that it will become increasingly difficult for companies to finance capital investment.
More recent work has focused on finance capital and stock markets.
The last describes the relation of finance capital with land as in investment.
Bonds are usually sold to finance capital projects over the longer term.
Finance capital did away with the anarchy in production within the major capitalist countries.
We must reach an agreement in the Legislature on financing capital transportation projects.
Finance capital has reached the point where it is going to self -destruct.
Cash flow - a measure of businesses' ability to finance capital spending - is strong.
Finally, common stocks entail no financial risk but are the most expensive way to finance capital projects.
The plan is then to sell bonds, equal to the sale price, to finance capital improvements.
The development bank typically lends to companies needing money to finance capital expenditures.
Now the crucial inequality is not only finance capital, it's social capital.
A reserve fund is used to finance capital improvements and pay for unexpected repairs.
Municipal bonds are sold to finance capital improvements undertaken by the county.
Rather, it made more sense to finance capital improvements by borrowing the money as it was needed.
Investment shares determined each member's percentage of the total contribution needed to finance capital expenditures.
This is necessary to preserve access to the capital markets to finance capital improvements.
The Township Committee is deeply split over financing capital improvements.
And developing countries usually need major oil companies to develop their resources because they can bring both technological expertise as well as financing capital.
Its editors believed the cause of the conflict was transparently clear: imperialist international finance capital.
Socially owned banks provide finance capital by creating debt-free money for social infrastructure and industry.
Here we see how Bukharin viewed the changes wrought by finance capital in the national capitalist economies.
Most small businesses rely on lenders to provide the capital they need to either open a business or to finance capital improvements.
Mr. Brown's proposal offers several options to finance capital improvements such as sewage and water utilities.
Metro Toronto, which now had the credit of all of the municipalities could finance capital projects with bonds.