Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Once into development, however, financial realities began to set in.
Once the team returned to Oakland, financial reality set in.
"One lesson in all of this is to face your financial reality immediately."
"Hospitals have to do the best they can within the financial realities of today's health care environment."
Or are we really saying that the stock market is the best reflection of financial reality out there?
Potential owners say they are well aware of the financial realities.
"The whole stadium situation, the financial reality of what they had to do, it is sad."
But their new theater is very much about the financial realities of Broadway.
There is no law that says political rhetoric must be grounded in financial reality.
Rather, it is thought, the crucial factor was the financial reality at the end of an era.
"But there are financial realities that cannot be ignored, and I believe the department is very well managed."
"At this time, there is a financial reality to all player transactions.
Financial reality, in the end, may trump all the corporate posturing.
Meanwhile, nostalgic dreams give way to the hard financial realities.
A number of educational groups have complained that the companies are blind to the new financial realities.
It bears no relation to the financial realities of raising children.
Financial realities, however, dictate that it will be many years before there is a computer on every student's desk.
And financial realities may force it to acquiesce in a listing.
"It's fun and exciting, but there are the financial realities of life.
Despite such grim financial realities, enormous progress has been made in the developing world.
The financial realities of a contemporary world, however, have finally caught up with the Yards and their tenants.
"The market is trying to find a level that is consistent with economic and financial realities," he said.
In the years ahead, the best nonprofits, including theaters, will accept the financial realities of their situation.
The financial reality of operating a team does nothing to quell an owner's desire to win.
But when the club opens again for business tomorrow morning, some harsh financial realities will have to be faced.