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It rose full and green, like a fine-cut stone, above the hills.
The chief sheik was an imposing figure, tall, with a dark face and fine-cut features.
As a fine-cut crystal, it is worth that amount; no more."
He glanced up, the fine-cut face lightening a bit.
In order to contain this phenomenon, fine-cut tobacco must be able to act as a substitute for cigarettes.
Drum is a brand of fine-cut handrolling tobacco, or shag.
It is a blend of fine-cut Virginia, burley and oriental tobaccos.
His fine-cut face also, though still kingly, was weak with age and his eyes were blear.
The laird's thick brows rose slightly, and a smile curved the fine-cut lips.
Caris' fine-cut nostrils flared and his upper lip seemed to lengthen.
A solemn proud fine-cut old man.
As I suspected, the gold plate disappeared with a single stroke of a fine-cut file to expose a white base metal underneath.
A smile twitched the fine-cut lips.
High-pitched stuttering meant the jigsaw, and Christmas was coming in fine-cut mirror frames or butterflies.
I noted that the madness had left his eyes and that his fine-cut features were calm and spiritual.
A fine-cut gem, but no more!"
Its features, high, intellectual forehead, straight nose, long upper lip and fine-cut mouth, were so absolutely his own that he wondered others didn't remark on it.
Fine-cut leaves used to be strewn across the floor in the Middle Ages, both for the scent, and for presumed efficacy against pests.
The thin, fine-cut features were bronzed and healthy; he gave no outward sign of having been trampled five months before by thirty quarter-ton beasts.
Chains sat at the witchwood table, peering down at a collection of parchments, carefully scribing on one with a fine-cut quill.
Kari wore a wool-lined robe, very plain, which yet became him so well that with his fine-cut face and flashing eyes he looked like an Eastern prince disguised.
Made from fine-cut beef and pork, this salami is cured naturally in salt and then left to mature for three months in a controlled but draughty atmosphere.
It was not the mayor who appeared, unless the mayor had suddenly become five-feet-eight and was built like the Venus deMilo with a face of fine-cut living marble.
He swung around to face me, and I saw that he was handsome, in his late thirties, perhaps, with sensitive, fine-cut features, and large blue eyes, open in astonishment.
In North Carolina and Virginia, the stew is routinely served with hush puppies (deep-fried cornmeal batter) and a fine-cut cole slaw that's more tart than creamy.