Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The Mediterranean is a high-risk area, especially in the summer, and in the resolution we call for integrated fire protection plans for forests.
The creation of a new fire protection plan provides an optimization of the escape ways and fire extinguishing.
In the unlikely event of a fire, contractors will be required to have a fire protection plan and to have on hand the necessary safety equipment.
Officials also said that the club's fire protection plan was not up to date and that it had not gotten required approvals for first-floor renovations.
Management for the New Holland Mouse should be incorporated into appropriate NRE fire protection plans.
Once approved, said Vincent Falcone, a fire protection plan examiner in the Fire Department, further inspections are rare, usually only when somebody complains.
As an agent of change, fire incidence has oftentimes resulted in technological and socio-demographical changes, city development and planning, and fire protection plans and equipments.
In those cases in which it is difficult to assess the impact, it often must be assumed to be zero: The fire protection plan for the building is compromised.
Recent burn activity within the project area has reduced the probability of a wild fire, but with a proper fire protection plan and safety equipment a fire event is unlikely to occur.
D may be minimised by implementing a series of construction, technical and organisational measures co-ordinated as part of an overall fire protection plan worked out and adapted specifically to the object in question.
In order to maintain the intent of the original fire protection plan of a building, firestops re-entries must be performed in compliance with the certification listing upon which the original installed configuration was based.
Complete a Bow Corridor fire Protection Plan with the Town of Banff, Hamlet of Lake Louise, Harvie Heights, Canmore and operators of other facilities.
Early detection and quick suppression are the key to fire preparedness since a quick response greatly enhances the chances of early control, being prepared for fire is an important part of the fire protection plan.
It was also claimed, "Although in this instance the work was done opportunistically, such work is in accord with Fire Protection Plan intentions to similarly widen key firelines to improve fire management capacity".
Over this period there were constant warnings relating to my area broadcast over ABC local radio advising that we were about to be attacked by a major fire front and to either evacuate, or initiate our fire protection plans.
Fire protection should fit within an explicit global fire protection plan that also provides concept planning (accessibility, location, evacuation, fire resistance, etc.), with indications having regard to the management (periodic checks, occupation regulations) and especially to the damage resulting from fire and the inevitable fire-fighting operations.
An up to date fire protection plan, containing a complete inventory and maintenance details of all fire protection components, including firestops, fireproofing, fire sprinklers, fire detectors, fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers, etc. are typical requirements for demonstration of compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
NEW YORK, June 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Monday it will increase oversight at Nebraska Public Power District's Cooper nuclear power station in Nebraska due to a 'white' inspection finding related to deficiencies in the plant's fire protection plan.