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He couldn't ever remember seeing this step in any of the first aid manuals he'd read over the years.
First aid manual.
Together, the organisations produce the official First Aid Manual in the United Kingdom.
The first aid manual is published by Dorling and Kindersley, price £7.99.
Using wood-engravings from old anatomy text books and first aid manuals, he projects images onto a screen and paints what he sees.
Mental Health First Aid Manual.
Emetics to induce vomiting, such as syrup of ipecac although first aid manuals now advise against inducing vomiting.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health First Aid Manual (Second edition).
Together these three Voluntary Aid Societies publish the official First Aid Manual, the de facto guide for emergency first aid.
The European Resuscitation Council agrees with the American Heart Association, and the First Aid Manual has adopted its guidelines to present an internationally approved approach.
Topics of the latter include for example the medical sector regarding first aid manuals or cooperation with regard to the European Resuscitation Council, or potential cooperation in patient repatriation.
St John Ambulance, St Andrew's Ambulance Association, British Red Cross (2002) (8th Ed.) 'First Aid Manual'.
Editor,- The three voluntary aid societies have received several inquiries similar to A S Playfair's questioning the dogma of the sixth edition of the First Aid Manual.
The first book published under the DK name was a First Aid Manual for the British voluntary medical services; this book established the company's distinctive visual style of copiously illustrated text on a glossy white background.
Editor,- I wish to protest about some of the teaching in the latest edition of the First Aid Manual by the St John Ambulance, the St Andrew's Ambulance Association, and the British Red Cross.
First aid organisations were similarly slow in adopting the idea of the recovery position, with 1930s and 1940s first aid manuals from the British Red Cross and St John Ambulance both recommending lying a patient on their back.
The 1938 British Red Cross First Aid Manual goes so far as to instruct "place the head in a such as position that the windpipe is kept straight, keeping the head up if the face is flushed, and in line with the body if it is pale".
Kilmer published a booklet, Methods of Antiseptic Wound Treatment in 1888, popularizing the knowledge of antiseptic methods for treating wounds with an appendix of appropriate company products, and co-wrote the "Standard First Aid Manual" in 1901 also for the company.