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American companies have been moving slowly away from fixed wage increases, which must be paid in good times and bad.
Traditionally an executive is compared with a fixed wage employee.
Epstein once offered all four Beatles a fixed wage of £50 a week for life.
Mill girls, some as young as ten, were paid less than men, but received a fixed wage for their 73 hour week.
While in Siberia, some men, women, and children were forced to work as lumberjacks for a fixed wage.
Entrepreneurs in the manufacturing sector make profit because they charge a price above the fixed wage rate.
Workers work on the land and earn a fixed wage from the land owner but keep some of the crop.
They once insisted on fixed wages and annual raises, setting pay standards in the process for many nonunion workers, too.
For many Russians and enterprises, locked into the old system of fixed wages and prices, that will probably mean disaster.
He is trying to persuade his workers that they should accept profit-sharing and bonuses, rather than fixed wage increases.
They were assisted by 'little tenters', children who on a fixed wage ran errands and did small tasks.
Portuguese enterprises have justified the stagnation of workers' fixed wages by this pressure on costs, with serious consequences for the labour force.
Mr. Koran owns the houses where they live and he pays them a fixed wage for their labor on his land.
In 1818, he became a clerk with Senator Brunnemann, and received a fixed wage for the first time in his life.
(He changed the salary from a percentage of the city receipts to a fixed wage to stop graft.)
Twenty years later the master stonemasons of Nimes confessed an obligation to work for the count at fixed wages and to service his artillery.
While a student at BYU, Johnson decided he'd rather determine the value of his own time than accept a fixed wage.
The statute fixed wages at their pre-plague level and checked peasant mobility by asserting that lords had first claim on their men's services.
On 29 September the Convention extended price-fixing from grain and bread to other essential goods, and also fixed wages.
They are first to suffer a clear salary rollback, under a fixed wage scale, the direct result of the bitter labor wars gripping American professional team sports.
In 1933, the synagogue abolished fixed wages entirely for its employees, and instead paid them on a "month-to-month basis", depending on what the congregation could afford.
If a job is full time, permanent, and pays a regular salary or a fixed wage for regular hours, it is usually not considered to be contingent work.
The landholding aristocracy suffered under the inflation, since they depended on paying small, fixed wages to peasant tenants that were becoming able to demand higher wages.
"These are soft labor costs that are much more easily absorbed than fixed wage increases and can be shed more easily," Mr. Finamore said.
Share fishermen are fishermen who do not receive a fixed wage or salary but who agree among themselves to divide up the proceeds or profits from a catch.