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But they would have little effect, if any, on the immediate problem of a flagging economy.
Instead, he asked people to continue shopping to prop up the flagging economy.
Company executives said they were trying to do their part to stimulate the flagging economy.
So far the oil industry, crucial to the country's flagging economy, has been spared.
Today, the spotlight was on the flagging economy, where the Clinton camp would like to see it remain.
The project was cancelled in 2009 amid a flagging economy.
Moreover, he has recently suggested that such a cut is especially important now to stimulate a flagging economy.
That money goes to help support upstate's flagging economy.
The other is fiscal policy: the government can try to support a flagging economy by cutting taxes and increasing spending.
The new Government's main challenge will be to revive France's flagging economy.
Reform, far from reviving the flagging economy, has deepened the decay.
Tourism, for all its good and bad, has helped to reinvigorate the once flagging economy, although unemployment is still a major issue.
To sweeten the pill, the government will try to boost the flagging economy in various ways.
The country's flagging economy has driven many of the country's wealthiest residents to move.
Both reports supported the argument that the Fed may cut interest rates later this year to spur a flagging economy.
But the bitterness over the flagging economy could lead people not only to vote but also to do so in unexpected ways.
At this time, mining of alluvial gold was a major industry and supplied the flagging economy with new hope.
But signs are flashing of a flagging economy.
Salazar continued as minister until 1932 and was widely credited with turning the flagging economy around.
The wage tax, he said, would allow other taxes to be lowered - especially those paid by business - to stimulate the state's flagging economy.
The buffer left in the surplus following his tax cut appears to be eroding rapidly because of the flagging economy.
The flagging economy remains a major concern among those still on the fence, although a majority still thinks the Iraq war was right.
Mr. Daniels has promised to address the state's flagging economy and restore jobs.
The effort comes as restaurateurs, hurt by a flagging economy and decreased tourism, are seeking similar changes.
Forget this country's flagging economy and rampant corruption.