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Since a legal marriage was impossible, no doubt, his views were flagitious.
"All the flagitious details were exposed to general observation.
These meetings ought not to be sanctuaries for factious and flagitious fellows.
For the ambiguous advantages which overgrown wealth and flagitious tyranny have to bestow?
He should have persisted in gloom, which would eventually earn a commercial reward that outran the avarice of his most flagitious villains.
But suppose him inaccessible to such inducements; suppose him to persist in all his flagitious purposes; are not the means of defence and resistance in my power?
The popular press is flagitious in the exact measure of its sanctimony, and the religion of the day is a theatrical Sinai, where the thunders are supplied by the property-man.
This flagitious attack upon the dignity of the knight so incensed him, that he applied to a lawyer at Warwick to put the severity of the laws in force against the rhyming deer-stalker.
Magdalena's perils attract a huge crowd to a nearby bridge, whereupon "with a flagitious roar and an agonized whine, the old wooden span" collapses, plunging a hundred-odd citizens into the icy water.
Hoping fervently that Knygathin Zhaum and the vile, flagitious properties of his unhallowed carcass would now be brought to a permanent end, I raised the sword of justice high in air and smote with heroic might.
An exception for persons "excommunicated, forfeited, notoriously profane, or flagitious, and professed enemies and opposers of the covenant and cause of God", was no doubt made, but this exemption did not exclude all the "malignants".
A man known to be an assassin and robber; one capable of plotting against my life and my fame; detected lurking in my chamber, and avowing designs the most flagitious and dreadful, now solicits me to grant him a midnight interview!
That a man should wantonly impute to himself the most flagitious designs, will hardly be credited, even though you reflect that my reputation was already, by my own folly, irretrievably ruined; and that it was always in my power to communicate the truth, and rectify the mistake.