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It got pretty heated, and not just the flambe dessert/ 'Yeah.
For example, say you want to impress company tonight and make cherries flambe.
The best of the incendiary selections is the bananas flambe.
In fact, her competitors say she is a key ingredient in the morning war flambe.
An appetizer described as Portuguese sausage with brandy flambe cost $8.50.
A full-course dinner with banana flambe or crepes is $60 to $80 for two.
But you need your apples and pears flambe?
But the same lack of shame that let him flambe his head and become a hero came to his rescue.
(If you flambe, only a little bit of alcohol burns off.)
He wondered idly if he would be served en flambe, so to speak.
Once sugar has melted add banana slices and flambe with rum (optional).
The French call it commonly as 'la flambe blanche' (the white torch of the garden).
And enjoy a splendid presentation as one of our flambe` specials is graciously prepared at your table.
A tarte flambe, a sort of grilled pizza, would be much better if it contained fewer ingredients.
It was only the blaze of something flambe' behind him, being made a great show of in a chafing dish.
Fortunately the restaurant didn't specialize in flambe cooking.
Peach Flambe was the dessert in the trifecta.
Sergeant Colon said he thought we'd get along like a maison en Flambe.
Red Flambe' glaze with green over.
Please find below examples of current Royal Doulton Flambe in stock.
They are inhabitants of the Flambe Forest.
The pols were hoping for Rudy flambe.
For many, though, even more exciting than the sight of eau flambe was the debate over whether the whole thing was a hoax.
Like Wednesday's Duck Flambe, it's another cautionary tale, one of many.
Pure ethanol also has a recreational application in flamed desserts such as fruits flambe, despite expense.
Food, served from a rolling side table, is sometimes flambeed and always elaborately garnished.
The Caesar salad and a flambeed dessert were merely good, however, in the hands of a different waiter on the third visit.
So many dishes were flambeed that the restaurant's air-conditioning system was built with an excess capacity of 10 percent.
One of the best offerings is sliced leg of lamb flambeed in the kitchen with Pernod.
For the wilder at heart, there are flambeed treats like bananas Foster and crepes suzette.
Special dishes, typical of Verbier, include rosti potatoes and beef flambeed with cognac.
It was caused when flames from a flambeed duck set fire to fat which had accumulated in the cooker's extractor fan.
They are flambeed in amaretto and served warm over cinnamon French toast with scoops of vanilla gelati on the side.
Bananas Foster are flambeed at Brennan's.
The crayfish, sauteed in their shells and sometimes flambeed in cognac, give the sauce its distinctive taste.
Nonstick Flambeing Q. Can food be flambeed in a nonstick pan?
But pecan pie was served steaming hot from the microwave, and flambeed bananas tasted harshly of liquor that had not burned off.
The worst part, however, came while serving up the pudding at a caroling party, when I laid it on a bed of evergreens and flambeed it.
I made up recipes, the weirdest combinations: prawns flambeed in brandy and lemon sauce ... things of that kind.
They can be sauteed and served Mexican style, flambeed with a dash of Tequila and accompanied by a freshly made salsa.
A catered Creole dinner of shrimp etouffee and flambeed bananas, and a post-concert reception are available at extra cost.
Chadwick would first score with one of them on 25 June, when he flambeed an Albatros recon two-seater over Roulers.
Duck in orange sauce was majestically flambeed with Grand Marnier at tableside, but did not live up to the menu's promise of crispness.
It was flambeed near tableside and served on a tart and tangy tamarind sauce, artistically painted in nouvelle fashion.
Our only non-towering entree was roasted and flambeed, succulent baby Cornish hen, accompanied by chopped cabbage and bacon sauce.
Flambeed at your table in Mandarine Napoleon & served with Fresh & Frozen Vanilla Creams.
Those we enjoyed included the shrimp version - the shrimp are flambeed in brandy to add a haunting sweet flavor - and another with ripe end-of-summer tomatoes.
Among the desserts are warm chocolate cake with cinnamon ice cream and tarts with souffleed banana, served warm and flambeed in rum.
Desserts laced with bourbon, like pecan pie and flambeed bananas, were familiar fare to my hostess, and we devoured them with gusto.
Watch out for your eye lashes when you flambee.
But a tarte flambee, my first course, was the icebreaker.
There are all sorts of techniques for eating tarte flambee.
In my case, it was a tarte flambee that did it.
Our only winner was bananas and strawberries flambee with vanilla ice cream.
Tarte flambee is a bit puffier and less flat than most pizza.
As the menu suggested, we began by sharing a tarte flambee alsacienne.
But everybody else is eating tarte flambee.
A rum-laced bananas Foster was served in a sherbet glass without flambee treatment, which misses the point.
The tarte flambee of Alsace may be the world's northernmost indigenous and legitimate pizza.
The last variety features the basic tarte flambee filling topped with gratineed Gruyere.
It is important to save room for dessert here, a sweet version of tarte flambee covered with slices of apple.
It wasn't until the 19th century, when a few innkeepers began to make tarte flambee for the public, that anyone thought to commercialize it.
Whatever it's called, tarte flambee is to northern Alsace what pizza is to southern Italy.
Dishes from the wood-burning oven like Alsatian tarte flambee and grilled snapper are irresistible.
The true tarte flambee is cooked in an old-fashioned wood-burning oven, the kind used in the countryside for baking bread.
La Femme flambee
The large, rectangular tart, also known as tarte flambee, is baked in wood-fired ovens and delivered to the table piping hot.
Desserts are mostly ice creams, sorbets (including a tingly tart ginger-lime), flan and banana flambee.
The beheading of a marzipan effigy at the Place de la Concorde and then a flambee at the stake would also do.
As Bob summed it up, it was a perfect regional cross between the tarte flambee of Alsace and an everyday onion tart.
Taverne de l'Ackerland, a simple place in Handschuheim (next to Ittenheim), turns out beautifully made tarte flambee.
IN the dialect spoken in Alsace, flammekueche means "cooked in the flames"; the French flambee has a similar meaning.
Tarte flambee, the traditional Alsatian pizza lightly covered with fromage blanc and bacon, is a natural starter, one a party of four might order with drinks.
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