Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
After spending a few months working on the code, the new and improved flickery was released this week.
It was a little flickery and hazy thanks to the interference of the shield.
I stop under a lamppost and look up at the light, all orange and flickery.
And perhaps someone will get himself killed by being hung on a hook a mile in the air, which was what happened to poor Newton Flickery."
Eternal Storms' Matthias Gansrigler e-mailed us yesterday to let us know that flickery is being released as a public beta once again.
For those who are not familiar with the app, flickery is a standalone Mac application that lets you carry out most Flickr tasks, including browsing, uploading, and tagging.
Twenty million Montags running, running like an ancient flickery Keystone Comedy, cops, robbers, chasers and the chased, hunters and hunted, he had seen it a thousand times.
In a pinch, you can do this without having to pay (just use the free trial), but it turns out to Flickery is a decent enough application that we would consider keeping it around.
On release, Home Computing Weekly gave the Spectrum version of the game 3/5 stars describing it as a well-written version and praising the graphics as fast although flickery.
"I was dragged to a silent film when I was 16, and absolutely didn't want to go because I thought it would be a flickery, out-of-focus melodrama with someone wailing away on the piano.
Once you authenticate Flickr to be used with Flickery, you can interact directly with your Flickr photos, sets, groups, and more without having to mess with things in iPhoto and re-sync.
Generally, in TV's history, content has developed ahead of technology - the launch of satellite being an exception - and, except when played on top-end systems, iPlayer can be as flickery and erratic as the earliest sets.
Electron User, in a dual review for Stryker's Run and its sequel, gave a score of 10/10 but while they praised the "beautifully drawn" backdrops, it was noted that the "animation is a bit flickery at times".
When the standalone Flickr client flickery became a public beta for the Mac back in May of 2008, most people (including its developers) expected it to stay as a beta for a while, and then be released on June 30.