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There was a sudden flinty look to her as she spoke.
Alex put a flinty look downward but kept on walking.
I had that flinty look in my eyes that told Ed all he needed to know.
Then she got a flinty look in her eye, and her jaw moved out an inch.
She fixed the snake with a flinty look.
"I'm looking for a yes or no." Delahunt gave a flinty look, then turned back to the computer.
Kirk stepped forward, giving the blue-skinned humanoid a flinty look.
Ce'Nedra's head came up quickly, and her eyes took on a flinty look.
Ethan gave her a hard, flinty look, his eyes narrowing on her pale face.
He gave the cowering eunuch a flinty look.
Heluda smiled, a flinty look in her eyes.
The flinty look in Ryder's eyes told her that he could easily take the scout's life for what he had done to her.
He is a short, handsome man with brown hair and eyebrows, a thick red beard and a flinty look in his olive-black eyes.
Wothering's eyes took on a flinty look.
But when his hands "accidentally" started to slide down from her shoulders, the flinty look she gave him stopped him in his tracks.
"We were misled, Vella," he replied somberly, giving Silk a flinty look.
Her face bore that flinty look that said she would hear no argument; a brewing storm roiled in her eyes.
The flinty look in Pargeter's face told Dexter that Blanche had struck home in some way.
Killeen could not stop himself from saying with a flinty look, "You figure having your mind ripped apart by a Marauder is same as just dying?"
The atmosphere was tight and intense, filled with flinty looks and an almost accidental glamour, where tattoos were more a fierce indoctrination than a calculated lifestyle choice.
Skinner's eyes were held for a moment by Slingsby's own flinty look, then he again began to file, perspiration streaming down his face in the oven heat of the engine room.
If not for his help, we might not have made it into the Dominion Command Center in time to persuade our- " she cast a flinty look at the changeling. "
Yet this slight but firmly built man, who dressed in gray and never lost the hand-kissing tradition of his early years in Poland, was described as having the flinty looks of a movie terrorist.
It reminded Mym of her laundering of Pfantas some months before, but the final result was not gratitude from the citizens, but flinty looks from the populace as a whole and snarls from Detritus.