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In the spring and autumn the swift flood currents are hazardous.
Williams pulled away a pile of tree limbs embedded in the mound by the flood current.
Major roads were rendered impassable because of huge flood currents and clogged cars.
Both boats were drifting very fast up Sumner Strait, the flood current carrying them with it.
Predictions from two bed-material load models indicate sediment transport is overwhelmingly dominated by flood currents.
It is not unusual for riverine species like bowfin to move into backwaters with flood currents, and become trapped when water levels recede.
At the height of the storm, a pickup truck was washed downstream by the raging flood currents after a bridge washed out.
But local emergency services are standing by to evacuate the passengers if the ship gets swept away or hit by debris in the fast-moving flood current.
After Dain and a polypan climb into their boat, the polypan rows against the flooding currents of the river away from the pirates and toward shore.
When it got dark and the flood current came out again, Kae suggested Longopoa that they should find a way to escape from the island, every man for himself.
To his great relief, there were a handful of boats tied up at a rickety pier, at an indentation in the bank sheltered from the main flood current.
The tugboat was trying to guide two coal barges under a flooded side-span of the old Rooster Bridge (removed years later), but the flood current was too strong.
The flooding has shut down shipping on parts of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers as crews worked to recover dozens of barges that had broken free in stronger flood currents.
All it takes is two feet of rushing water before your vehicle -- including SUVs and pickup trucks -- can get carried away by the flood currents, according to the National Weather Service emergency preparedness guide.
Because the cemetery was on the bank of the river,the flood current washed the dirt away from the graves smashed the coffins and washed the remains of the bodies downstream.Most of the remains ended up in the Moraas.
At 4.45pm, Leslie's division had still not landed because of strong flood currents and adverse winds but Cameron-concerned about the onset of darkness and the risk that his enemy would again escape-decided to launch his southward frontal attack.
Capelin tidal dynamics is characterized by herding of capelin against the channel head slopes by the starting flooding currents, followed by an upwelling over the sills and shallows during maximum flood currents, and a return to the channel by the surface outflow during ebb.