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A plant community can be described floristically (the species it contains) and/or physiognomically (its physical structure).
This forest area has been identified as one of the floristically richest areas in South Asia.
The lake is floristically rich and includes some 50 native freshwater aquatic vascular plants.
A total of 2,640 dykes were examined, half of which have become floristically impoverished within the last 17 years.
The hilly site is almost wholly wooded, and one of the floristically richest ancient woods in the London area.
This sort of habitat is one of the most floristically diverse in Sydney Basin.
This block of compact high mountains is floristically and faunistically similar to the Nilgiri Hills.
Gidgee communities are floristically similar to brigalow communities.
The pine rockland community is South Florida's most floristically diverse plant community and includes several endemic species.
"This site is an extensive area of floristically rich chalk grassland, a habitat which has become increasingly scarce due to agricultural intensification.
Two small littoral rainforest patches remain, they are floristically similar to those at Sea Acres National Park not far to the north.
"This glacial overflow valley supports floristically diverse lime-rich marsh and unimproved chalk turf.
Floristically, the Tiger Reserve can be classified, according to Champion and Seth (1968) as:
However, due to the large size and richness of forest-complex at Crow's Nest, long-term data collection is required to fully archive this floristically diverse habitat.
Floristically such regions are complex (Johnson and Tothill 1985), the common feature being a continuous grass layer with varying amounts of trees and/or shrubs.
Floristically unaltered since the end of the last ice age, it is the sole surviving example in Britain of a sub-alpine birch-juniper wood on basic soils.
Floristically, Mount Gibson contains elements of both the south-west region and the arid zone, due to its transitional location on the 'mulga-eucalypt line'.
The lowland and sub montane forests are the floristically richest in Sri Lanka and of all South Asia.
The island forms part of the National Nature Reserve of Newborough Warren which includes the extensive and floristically rich sand dune system.
Sri Lanka's forests are amongst the most floristically rich in Asia and for some faunal groups, it has the highest density of species diversity in the world.
Anglesea Power Station is located at Anglesea, in Victoria, Australia within the floristically rich Anglesea Heath area.
On the outskirts of Keynsham lies Keynsham Humpy Tumps, one of the most floristically rich acidic grassland sites within the Avon area.
Compared to the tropical rainforests of Queensland and New South Wales, this is a floristically depauperate forest, representing as it does the southern limit of this flora.
The uplands in the south, west and east of the Auvergne have very extensive upland grasslands including species-rich montane grasslands and floristically rich pastures and hay meadows.
The subalpine forests of the Rocky Mountains are characterized by spruces and firs and are floristically and structurally similar to the boreal conifer forests to the north.