Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This program incorporates everything you've included in all your flow sheets.
"A fair wind and a flowing sheet, you know, or however it goes."
Physical property data are the other component needed for process design apart from a flow sheet.
Process design then proceeds on the basis of the flow sheet chosen.
The concept of a process is embodied in the form of a "flow sheet".
Needless to say, there are hundreds of parts list and flow sheets in the master catalog.
So in your spare time, as if you're going to have any, start the flow sheet for reading cerebral angiograms.
Huge round headlights, mounted inside the flowing sheet metal of the fenders, pointed the way forward.
It is written in classical textbook style and is full of formulae, equations and flow sheets.
Chemical Engineering Flow Sheets.
Surfers essentially ride up and down the walls, alternately being propelled with the upwardly flowing sheet of water or the downward pull of gravity.
'What is a flowing sheet?'
Ash flow sheets constitute as much as 40 percent of the area's total erupted material, suggesting that pyroclastic eruptions were rather important during this time.
They moved in a mass, a flowing sheet of motion with many tiny bobbing eddies, so that the entire group of them seemed to be in constant agitation.
Optimization involves both structural optimization of the flow sheet itself as well as optimization of parameters in a given flowsheet.
(1989) Farina Milling: Development of an Experimental Flow Sheet and a Speck Counting Method.
Each application (the specific engine and airframe combination) then receives a "list number" that contains a list of the specific parts and flow sheet for that application.
Based on the dissolution experiments carried out on unirradiated single pellets and systematic studies related to the third phase formation, the flow sheet, prepared earlier for the oxide fuel was modified.
Somehow the tunnel floor had become a narrow walkway over a great darkness and the walls had retreated: they no longer touched the floor on which he stood, and their stone facing was completely covered by flowing sheets of water.
Spacelabs recently introduced a product it calls PC Chartmaster, a work station running on the same network with its monitors that automates most of the patient chart functions, including doctors' and nurses' orders, flow sheets, observations, laboratory results and medications.
The Constitution was sailing northwards with a flowing sheet, helped on her way by the great current that flowed from the Gulf of Mexico; and Dr Maturin stood at her taffrail staring at the wake, white in the indigo blue.
On a day with a light breeze she would make a jump on the chart that advertised "a wet sail and a flowing sheet," and on a day when she just raced over the ocean, she scarcely changed her position on the chart.
Sometimes I have known it begin to blow north of the Canaries and so waft us down with a flowing sheet past the tropic line and on almost to the equator itself: something in the nature of two thousand miles with a flowing sheet!'
And to this, gentlemen"--raising his glass -'I will append a toast: let us all fill up to the brim, gunwales under, and drink to England, home and beauty, and may Lucky Jack Aubrey reach "em with fair winds and flowing sheets every mile of the way."
Corporate Research Centre is located at Kollam, Kerala and carries out research in the field of value added products from beach sand minerals, undertakes consultancy projects on mineral separation and flow sheet development, carrying out mineral analysis and caters to the needs of internal and external customers.