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The flume was only used for three years before being abandoned.
"He wants you to go with this man and build some flumes," she told him.
After a small dip, the flume made several right turns.
There are two flumes, which run adjacent to each other.
Others were perched on the high side of the flume, and in the trees.
All this time the lumber people were still after us to build the flume.
It's simply to their advantage to have the flume, and they're willing to pay for it.
The Flume is one of the most visited attractions in the state.
It spins out of control and falls into the flume.
Both flumes begin at the same point, but do not run parallel and have different patterns.
The old dam remains along with the foundation and flume.
After fixing the flume, the men decided to go inside and explore.
The wave flume holds up to 350,000 gallons of water.
He said the increased power capacity would make new rides possible, such as a water flume for next season.
The flume is quietly emerging as a form of home fitness.
But the flume was also used as a transport route for various uses.
The site second swimming pool with flumes is a recent innovation.
Another flood washed out the wooden flume the same day.
Captain Flume has left the woods and returned to his trailer.
The Route 28 corridor has been used for flumes in the timber industry since 1880.
Once in the flume, the fish were allowed to pick the stream of water they favored.
The flumes are not scale models of each other.
The dam and the flume cost me four million.
The ten thousand dollars for the flume is only a small portion of what we will gain.
He fired again as the galloping horse shot past the flume.