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Many an American has written off whole continents for want of a properly functioning, flushable toilet.
The foundations include a hospital, barracks and even flushable toilets (£4.50;
The bathrooms are fully plumbed, with a flushable toilet and miniature lavatory paper.
Kimberly-Clark contends Rollwipes are the first wet, flushable toilet paper on a roll.
I spent a lot of time with Maria Isabel because her husband, Luis, was installing their first flushable toilet.
A flushable toilet is the most elaborate type and includes a small plumbing system with a waste holding tank that helps to minimize odors.
The family was relatively well-off and owned two cars and a truck, and their house used running water, a flushable toilet, and an iron bathtub.
"DS Unplugged" - The teams take a crash course in pre-industrial building techniques, as they compete to build 20-foot bridges-without the aid of power tools, forklifts, or ... flushable toilets.
It was the first to offer hot and cold running water, flushable toilets for gold miners and was the first trading post in the wild west to sell the repeating rifle to fend off the natives.
The objects have a swaggering insistence that the viewer dwell on all the sad, plain facts of life and death - facts that flushable toilets, hospitals, slaughterhouses, the smooth dermis itself, usually keep tucked from view.
"It's the flushable toilet, the college food and the fact that you don't hear artillery and can just wear normal clothes, have conversations and feel safe - every little thing you appreciate," he said, a plane flying overhead while he played.