Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Would you rather she foaled it under the care of another man?
He was foaled 1885, and died in 1927 at the age of 42.
I decided to leave her alone, though, as she would be foaling in the spring.
He was foaled in 1990 and is currently 20 years old.
His career has been star-crossed since before he was foaled.
A jenny will come back into heat nine to ten days after foaling.
Relaxing died in May 1999 at the age of 23 from foaling complications.
He was a bay son of Herod foaled in 1768.
He got the idea in 1922 while on his farm, a week after a colt had been foaled.
The founder of this line was 367 Bravo 149, foaled in 1877.
The event is named after a filly foaled in 1853.
"And you moved up the graduation so she wouldn't foal on the stage?"
He is a brown gelding that was foaled on 9 October 1997.
Phoenix did not mind them; she had been foaled among them.
He was foaled most probably in 1926, although the dates are somewhat hazy.
No horse foaled earlier than Velocipede was included in the list.
He was a chestnut stallion foaled on May 24, 1895.
Nearly all Finnish horses foaled since 1971 have been registered.
Although she was bred six more years, Pocahontas never foaled.
However, his statement could be understood as meaning that they were foaled in Poland.
He may not have had anything to do with the mating of the mare or the place where it is foaled.
We want anyone with a mare who's jut foaled to come forward.
Now we are come to the lands where you were foaled and every stone you know.
Yes, it be hot, but not so hot as the lands where I was foaled.
She has since foaled two by Storm Cat in 2004 and 2005.