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Anyone with the feel for it can be a focalizer.
Murray carefully set the little focalizer wheel for maximum diffusion.
My Response: "Focalizer" is not my word.
Remember to give your local Focalizer your address or contact so that your kept up to date with our Rainbow World.
He crawled a little way into the lock, where he could be in comparative darkness, setting the little focalizer wheel at the side of the pistol for maximum concentration.
The place has already decided for us so we just have to find it. They co-ordinate their activities by contacting a Focalizer for the region and attending regular Scouting Councils.
Tuami, the ablest of the new people, their artist and potential leader, is the focaliser.
A narrative wherein events are seen through the eyes of a third-person internal focaliser is said to be figural.
The narrator often uses Lok (the least intellectually acute of the people) as focaliser, and at such times the narrative is conducted in terms appropriate to the character.
For instance the text's main character focaliser, Commander Norton, has two legal wives and families, one on Earth, one on Mars.
A force de focaliser, on montre un mal français qui est la peur de l'autre.
The comic effect is mainly achieved through a terse but very stylish prose sprinkled with deadpan humour, the action being revealed through the eyes of a self-effacing focaliser.
Caleb has a first person narrator, Stuart, who is the focaliser and shares with us his words, thoughts, recollections so readers will tend to align themselves with his point of view.
In the third part of the novel, when Tuami (the ablest of the new people) is the focaliser, the account of the result of his sleepless night exploits a different technique.
These characteristics are a most notable feature of the language of the first part of the novel, where the narratorial voice is closely aligned with the people, and Lok is often the focaliser.
Mardi, Syngenta "a appelé toutes les parties prenantes à focaliser leurs efforts sur l'élaboration de solutions pratiques visant à améliorer l'état de santé des abeilles."
Il fait un très bon début de saison avec encore plus de bons joueurs," a ainsi averti Christophe Galtier, refusant de se focaliser uniquement sur l'ancien Milanais.
Les chercheurs d'Afrobaromètre ont exhorté les gouvernements à porter leurs efforts sur la réduction de la pauvreté plutôt que de se focaliser simplement sur la croissance de leurs économies.
Pour Raonic, qui a hissé cette année le Canada en demi-finale de Coupe Davis, la solution sera "de (se) focaliser sur (son) jeu" et de ne pas "laisser de rythme" à Gasquet.
Paris - Les négociations budgétaires américaines devraient focaliser l'attention la semaine prochaine à la Bourse de Paris, avec des investisseurs peu enclins à se départir de la prudence déjà affichée depuis plusieurs séances.
C'est toujours le même dilemme pour eux: jouer le jeu d'une compétition pour échapper momentanément aux tracas du championnat, ou bien se focaliser totalement sur le championnat et considérer les tours de coupe comme de l'énergie perdue.