Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
On that fond hope, she is likely to be disappointed.
I'm sorry your fond hopes had to end this way.
My fondest hope is that it will make you happy, too.
It is one of my fondest hopes to become the second person ever to use that word.
Cindy's fondest hope was to somehow make her way into town.
It was their fond hope that Gaea did not yet know this.
It was his fond hope that he would never have to do it again.
Newt's fondest hope was to get old enough to be taken along on the raids.
It was his fondest hope that the answer was no.
It was his fond hope that they would avoid any command conflicts during this mission.
The airlines succeeded in some ways beyond their fondest hopes.
There you will find wealth and ease beyond your fondest hopes.
My fond hope is to see him follow Canute on the throne.
Some of the children took pen to paper to illustrate their fondest hopes for the summer to come.
"He has a fond hope that your father will force the Citadel to give him back his chain, in gratitude."
Movies were then made for adults with the fond hope that they wouldn't corrupt too many kids.
"In our fondest hopes we never thought to hold Bordeaux.
Twenty-four hours later the blow came crashing down over her fondest hopes.
It realized completely their fondest hopes and they had good cause to rejoice.
You have my fondest hopes for swift and honourable justice.
Her fondest hope is that more people read her.
Can it be my fondest hope has been realized and you have forgotten your treatment at my hands?
That, in fact, should be our fondest hope.
"They have managed it well, and it has gone beyond everyone's fondest hopes."
My fondest hope for this book is that it will be made obsolete by the pace of real scientific discovery.