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Footboy to the ladies of the town!
All operations conducted against North Vietnam were now designated Footboy.
Still dressed as a boy, Read then found work as a footboy, and later found employment on a ship.
A footboy was added to the household in 1660: he wore a distinctive livery, ran errands and waited on his master in public.
Like the footboy, the waiting woman was a token of the Pepyses' increasing wealth and commitment to a life of fashion.
There was only one other person in the room: a microscopically small footboy, who waited on the malevolent man who hadn't got into the Post-Office.
Manuel Dias, the Captain-General's footboy, joined the service of King Vimaladharmasuriya.
Samuel Pepys constantly complained of the conduct of the young people who worked for him: in the 1660s his footboy, his clerk, his maid servants.
As a young man he worked as a footboy to Sir George Acheson of Markethill, but became fiercely anti-English.
Was it discretion, lords, to let this man, This good man-few of you deserve that title- This honest man, wait like a lousy footboy At chamber door?
Dunthorne moved to Cambridge where Long first appointed him as a "footboy", and where he received some further education (though this does not seem to have been regular university education).
She was provided with a charming footman, or footboy, for he was only about fifteen, who looked after her at the street crossings as if she were a doddering crone.
The youngest and cheapest was the 'boy' or 'footboy' whose principal outdoor functions were to run errands Page 85 and escort his master when he was out and about.
In 1792 Talbot ended up as a mistress of Captain Essex Bowen, who enlisted her as his footboy under the name "John Taylor" for a voyage to Santo Domingo.
On 2 November 1660, just before Gunpowd Treason Day on the fifth, Samuel Pepys' footboy Wayneman Birch found himself in trouble with his master when he 'let off some gunpowder'.
She is commonly described as a spinster, and considered to be a hypocrite, ostentatiously attending church and carrying a fashionable ermine muff while displaying no charity to her freezing footboy or the half-seen beggar before her.
Thus the compound -man can then be replaced by -boy, as in footboy; or boy is simply added, either as a prefix (e.g., in boy-racer) or as a suffix (e.g., in Teddy Boy).