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She'd need to get tougher footgear if they were to stay on Hope any length of time.
Last month, the company introduced special footgear for use while tubing.
If any fell, afterward their clothes and footgear would quickly dry.
Even they were lighter weight than the footgear holders would use.
I'm going to consider myself fortunate that I wear a seventeen in footgear.
His footgear was the most expensive item of clothing the young man wore.
Feeling the need of new footgear, Carl entered and asked to be shown some shoes.
For such fashionable and relatively diminutive footgear, they held a lot of water.
None of the others of the clan were wearing footgear.
There he hung his damp footgear among a score or so of mates.
They're no kind of footgear for this terrain,' he said. '
The austerity of footgear also suggests something of the work's tone.
Blade wondered how the man could walk in such footgear, much less fight in them.
Their arms and legs, however, were bare, and they wore no footgear.
After all, we've had to use this walkway for two years now, and I've wrecked my footgear every time!"
Her clothes were little more than footgear, fringed shorts, and thin blouse.
Mary wouldn't be there to study the history of footgear through the Middle Ages.
Soundlessly on her soft leather footgear she glided to the door and looked through.
As we examined our new footgear in the camp, a set of deer ears flitted past the living room window.
Such footgear would look inappropriately frilly in the gritty street scenes.
All ballerinas of the time customarily wore such footgear.
The fashion press has called this part of a '70s Revival, and those who remember that decade may recall the platform footgear then current.
I didn't think he'd be allowed into the Battles Club unless he found some other footgear.
Mullooly could hardly believe that anyone would have taken the risk of losing his footgear.
He led her down by the water, where they sat side by side on a big rock and took off their footgear.