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No matter where home may be, men today, at least intellectually, are footloose wanderers.
It is footloose corporations taking investments where labor is most productive.
Many footloose alumni are veteran travelers who are used to luxury.
"I'm too footloose to keep close to my ex-clients.
It isn't the splendid, footloose life I once thought it would be."
There is, of course, a strong economic argument to be made against raising state and local taxes on footloose economic decision-makers.
In their own eyes they might be footloose wanderers, but to me they had seemed the most pitiful of slaves.
"You'd have been footloose and fancy free."
"The global textile industry is notoriously footloose, and it may not be long therefore before suppliers look for alternatives," Leather added.
We've gotten reservations at sushi-joints-of-the-moment with similarly footloose couples, and never once checked our watches.
Hungary's chief export has always been itself, its famously footloose citizens who go out, mix, change, adapt but never quite forget who they are.
The machines that American entrepreneurs have always set up so efficiently to execute their Big Ideas are equally footloose.
But the feckless and footloose image of herself that emerges in this memoir begins to feel spurious when we learn about her nervous breakdown.
As for museums, well, that's where everyone seems to be: from wandering tourists to harried locals shepherding visiting relatives, with or without footloose children.
For the better part of seventy years Nonesuch was forgotten, save for the occasional hermit or footloose hippie.
Newly discovered deposits like Confederate Gulch attracted young footloose men, motivated by a desire to get rich quickly.
In regional terms, there is evidence of a strong concentration of most footloose service industries in the South East, especially London.
In places like Newport Beach, Neutra had found the kind of "mentally footloose" clients his architectural experimentation required.
He is a romantic figure, our icon of the footloose American, nephew to the Lost Generation of Hemingway and Fitzgerald.
Early in the journey, Rita is befriended by Erik, a handsome, footloose young hitchhiker and computer hacker, who falls instantly in love with her.
These footloose Turkic tribesmen pressed against the walls of China, as well as northward and westward against Russia.
In the 1970's, Ms. Cullen and Mr. Matlow had been penniless, footloose college lovers.
It is this footloose quality of so many of the potentes in Charles's reign which belies Dhondt's tidy territorial model.
It rather surprised the old farmer when the-he thought-feckless, footloose Bard agreed with all his heart-subject to the agreement of his Circle of course.
And Williams was too footloose to cope with the more slippery aspects of the clay as she attempted to give chase to Rubin's well-placed, well-timed groundstrokes.