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The forewoman, who wrote most of the notes to the judge, is black.
Her only close friend at the factory, a forewoman, died in the fire.
In the end, though, the forewoman agreed to soldier on.
Instead, he called the forewoman and the lawyers into his chambers.
"The indictment should never have been brought," the jury forewoman said.
After the forewoman collected the votes, she began opening them one at a time.
Leading the opposition to the death penalty was the jury's forewoman.
The forewoman halted the reading, and the jury left the courtroom.
First, the forewoman, who is black and in her 40's, read a statement on the jury's behalf.
The forewoman on that jury is now among those who believes the wrong men have been punished.
The jury forewoman said members of the panel had agreed not to talk to reporters.
But the forewoman said that she and others were accepting invitations from television news programs to tell their stories.
"One juror has expressed fears for herself and her family," the forewoman said.
The forewoman, who did not give her name, said only that the jurors focused on the facts and saw the case as a serious one.
Fearfully, we followed the forewoman to the super's office, and went inside with her.
The forewoman read aloud an item on the verdict form, which the judge had given them.
Benson, the forewoman, noted something else when talking to reporters after the verdict.
There will be no sentimental reunions, the jury forewoman said.
The forewoman delivered the verdict, and her fellows were polled.
The forewoman took the verdict from the bailiff, unfolded it.
Five months later her fellow jurors chose her to be their forewoman.
Sometimes, some jurors said, he would raise his hand to vote guilty even before the forewoman had finished reading the charge.
And just before the end of the morning session, the jury forewoman asked to be excused from the courtroom.
Another juror, a 50-year-old black woman who became the forewoman, had said she viewed domestic battles as "personal problems."
My job, my contact was the forewoman, you see.