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Louis was a shrewd bargainer, and not one to forgive a debt he thought owed to him, whether the payment had value to him or not.
I cannot afford to forgive a debt of that size any more than you could afford to take it on, Lycia, and you well know it.
He had promised that Anura Pereira would forgive a debt of KES 30 million owed by Githongo's father.
Fate sentenced Our Father to pay for those lives with the remainder of his, and he has spent it posturing desperately beneath the eyes of a God who will not forgive a debt.
The talent is found in another parable of Jesus where a servant who is forgiven a debt of ten thousand talents refuses to forgive another servant who owes him only one hundred denarii.
The package includes $3 billion for child care, $1.4 billion for aid to the elderly and $1 billion to forgive a debt that the Government says is owed by the states for misallocation of welfare funds.
For example, the second-ranking Democrat on the Government Operations panel, Representative Bob Traxler of Michigan, inserted language in a 1987 appropriations bill that forgave a debt of more than $250,000 owed to H.U.D. by the Bay City Housing Commission, in his home district.
There the great monopolist Prince Adrian spent his afternoons overseeing the trade awarded his grandfather in return for forgiving a loan to the then-king.
Wang was to pay Kumar $1 million annually for nine years, Newsday reported, and forgive a loan he made to help Kumar buy his stake in the Islanders.
He is likely to be challenged in particular over his explanation yesterday as to why his 1999 tax return omitted a $25 million payment that was used to forgive a loan from Tyco.
When Kramer's machine shop was destroyed by fire and his business failed, Oppenheim obtained Kramer's patent in exchange for forgiving a loan he had made to Kramer and then obtained a patent for his own new idea.
Governor Corzine has acknowledged that in 2004, when he was a United States senator, he forgave a loan in the amount of $470,000, the value of a mortgage, that he had given Ms. Katz in 2003 when the two were dating.