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The one he can use without this effort is the first form of speech acquired.
Thus he would soon learn an intelligible form of speech.
The system would adapt to whatever form of speech he chose.
What good is it to invent new forms of speech?
Only composite forms of speech can be true or false.
However, he has since agreed that these forms of speech are also covered by the amendment.
So the Mabden had learned a sophisticated form of speech.
The first question, he said, is whether the driver meant the horn-honking to be a form of speech.
It was almost as if they were speaking a foreign language; or, rather, some higher form of speech with nuances he could not quite catch.
Jill opened her mouth, then, as if feeling that any form of speech would be inadequate, closed it again.
Numerous forms of speech therapy failed him, until, at 16, he had a breakthrough.
Nowadays, researchers think that the most helpful form of speech therapy is working directly with children.
Bud judged that cursing was his natural form of speech.
The last form of speech is, however, sufficiently authorized by approved writers.
The principle plays a particularly large role when it comes to identifying various forms of speech on government property.
The court held that begging was not a constitutionally protected form of speech.
"You seem to know something about parliamentary forms of speech," said the Two Arms.
I asked, when we had gone through the customary forms of speech and handclasps.
Is a computer program a form of speech?
And code is just a form of speech - the form that computers understand.
Milder forms of speech disorders may disappear on their own.
The ordinary forms of speech are absent from it.
And the chilling effect could spread beyond sexual material, endangering other forms of speech as well.
The 'revolutionary' forms of speech were dropping out of use.
I have rather lost the habit of that form of speech; you stick to it.