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The others were a young woman and a man who looked fortyish.
Wayne was fortyish, and obviously having a really good day.
He looked up to see a fortyish man with a beaming smile.
He refuses to disclose his age but would seem to be fortyish.
It was a fortyish woman dressed to kill - in red, again the current "power" color.
But it isn't just for fortyish men that life changes and car changes go together.
A fortyish fat man was frozen by the light.
The man's hair was silvered, too, though his face looked to be fortyish, no more.
And somewhere, surely, a shy, fortyish man must have smiled.
My mother left the bar with a "fortyish" man.
The door came open, and an attractive, fortyish woman cautiously poked her head out.
A fortyish priest with salon-trimmed hair showed up a minute later.
The attractive, fortyish captain looked around, apparently unable to determine who had called her name.
The fortyish fellow, with a look of outrage, slapped Ross across the mouth.
She was a fortyish white woman with brown eyes, sharp cheekbones, and a full, passionate mouth.
She is fortyish, and pretty in a fading, hard-bitten way.
His secretary turned out to be a fortyish spinster who obviously wanted to use her job as a dating service.
She's at least ten years younger than her husband, maybe fifteen, which would make her fortyish or so.
A fortyish sergeant slammed his tankard down on the bar.
"I brought a very attractive fortyish executive home and found him trying to kiss my seventeen-year-old daughter."
"A pleasant thought, but a pity that in another five years or so I shall be fortyish.
He was a tall, chunky, fortyish individual with brown eyes and skimpy hair.
Blake's smooth fortyish face showed sudden wrinkles as he gave way to laughter.
She was fortyish, her facial features regular and cleanly chiseled.
He was fortyish, small and pale and dressed in a neat blue suit.