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What if Al Qaeda is less an organization than a franchisable idea?
A "franchisable" business is one in which the replication of relatively small units makes sense.
"Our criteria are that it has to have the potential for profits from day one, be in a franchise or franchisable business," he said.
Franchisable retail concept in growing niche market not presently serviced.
Franchisable Businesses Franchises are common in a wide variety of sectors.
Of course, they've really never left, but now there are scores of other franchisable cartoons competing for parents' dollars.
“At heart it can be a crime procedural — the most enduring, salable, franchisable TV genre in the world.
Franchisable while-you-wait oil change and safety check R&D complete, oil company alliance established, first outlet ready to be built.
"I'd love to see franchisable McDonald's or Burger King-type money stores accessing this particular market," he said.
Murray investigates not the first-wave success of the books but the second-wave take up of Harry Potter as a franchisable cultural product with substantial multi-demographic appeal.
The caption reads, "Ian swore he hadn't had liposuction, but Alicia knew the chances of him reducing so quickly were about the same as him producing a franchisable megahit."
Las Vegas hotels are similar to video games-games and hotels both plunder extinct or mythical cultures in pursuit of a franchisable myth with graphic potential: Egypt-Camelot-the Jolly Roger.
Having invested so much of their minds and hearts, not to mention other peoples' money, in Cloud Atlas, the Wachowskis' returned to their previous patron, Warner Bros., with a more franchisable idea for a sci-fi epic: Jupiter Ascending.
What Bob and Harvey Weinstein did was not primarily to cultivate the public's taste for exotic or adventurous films, but rather to revive the tradition of prestige filmmaking that the studios had allowed to languish in their pursuit of franchisable blockbusters, overseas receipts and cross-media synergy.
Some friends and I thought we'd create a cheap, addictive and easily franchisable TV format.