Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
I think some of the people were fraudulent within the company.
In such a case a fraudulent action might have been taken.
So what makes him think this one is not fraudulent?
They may file a fraudulent tax return using your information.
In fact, they make the characters seem a bit fraudulent.
It became clear to the people that the vote was fraudulent.
But if you say that the message is fraudulent, I answer no.
"A lot of people are fraudulent, making it sound like a science," he said.
"We believe the fraudulent use began the day after the murders."
People who go to these fraudulent games deserve what they get.
And what if this is fraudulent, or even partly so?
Human rights groups said this was the most fraudulent poll ever.
If something is fraudulent or illegal, the government should take care of that.
The fraudulent activity became a way of life in his office, and still no one noticed.
"We will do the right thing by our customers if those calls were fraudulent," he said.
If you've ever seen a fraudulent 10-0 team, it's got to be them.
However, the success is short lived after the tests turn out to be fraudulent.
"The ministry is open to the fraudulent use of health care in all programs," the report said.
A small portion of the 8 percent turns out to be fraudulent.
The election became one of the most fraudulent in Arkansas' history.
Fraudulent activities should always be reported to your local law enforcement office.
The fraudulent election set the stage for the current conflict.
The Eagles, on the other hand, played a fraudulent game.
It goes without saying that such exports would be fraudulent.
Fraudulent use may result in criminal charges or a fine.