Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This time it all went much less frenziedly for him.
He would want frenziedly to get inside the ship to which he'd been thrown.
Someone out there was beating almost frenziedly on the panel.
Frenziedly I tried keys in the first of the locks.
He could go no further, halted by a group of men working frenziedly in the passage.
And the rest of us stand on the sidelines, frenziedly betting.
Soon every man who could find a shovel was outside digging frenziedly for oil.
He would start beating his fists frenziedly on the desk top.
Frenziedly he attempted to find some combination of controls which would make something, anything happen.
At one point, she began frenziedly swaying and flapping her arms.
And again he toiled frenziedly, but this time with a different purpose.
And I began to work frenziedly at the inn.
The long eyes were deep pools where golden fish swam frenziedly.
Enough to set him tearing frenziedly at the promise.
She tried to pull back from the whip, frenziedly.
He eats it frenziedly, with most winding up as crumbs on the floor.
He pulled himself frenziedly through, ignoring the screams and cries of those within.
Her movements went to spastic as she struggled against them frenziedly.
The next few days were ones of frenziedly urgent preparation by the younger scientist.
All three of them tumbled to the floor in a frenziedly bucking heap.
Now tearing frenziedly at his harness, he was fighting for breath as the sea began to claim him.
The pilot looked round frenziedly to find the submarine.