Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
At one end of the building, the earth has been freshly turned.
"Why would they see these men freshly killed and then leave?"
"All of the issues that are really important to a president will have been just very freshly looked at."
But on the other hand, is jazz not still freshly made?
He sat down on the freshly opened bed and looked out the window.
No living or freshly dead specimens have been seen since.
Freshly cut fruits are expected to be the next big thing.
A little way in front of them, the ground had been freshly disturbed.
The walls were new, freshly built, but what kind of house was this?
These are only available when freshly harvested and do not keep well.
The live or very freshly killed market is most lucrative.
Season the inside with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Dying, or freshly dead, I would be good for you.
Her nose and mouth had been full of freshly turned earth.
Just the smell of freshly ground coffee made me feel better.
"With the world war so freshly won, most everybody made money.
Whenever you do try it, make certain it's freshly made.
Her dark hair was freshly combed and seemed longer than before.
She was one of the few who had been freshly branded.
The wood is freshly cut, so that it can remain strong.
Much of the food is freshly grown in the gardens.
The smell of the freshly cut grass is next to nothing!
Make sure you use plenty of freshly ground black pepper.
He launched himself across the freshly made bed and pulled her down into his arms.
Back then the practice was pretty new and the house freshly renovated.