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Since this was a special, freshness should not have been an issue.
"We can control it better in terms of space and also freshness."
The others are looking more for high quality and freshness.
It still seemed to be early, and the morning freshness was in the air.
There's the freshness of his economic analysis, for another thing.
But the sense of freshness and energy seemed worth it.
Now we can find freshness in each other again, if you wish.
Instead, I tried to enjoy the freshness of the day.
Almost the end of the winter season now, but a freshness about everything.
Each one still has a freshness and surprise to it.
"The freshness of going with somebody like this is great," he said.
The room was very handsome, though no longer in its first freshness.
Prices are low, but it's important to be able to judge freshness.
With the approach of dawn, a freshness is felt in the air.
There is a freedom and a freshness in this which I like very much.
I felt like some piece of meat being looked over for freshness or something.
It had gone, and by the freshness of the trail, within an hour or two.
Nothing will work such havoc with your freshness and looks!
For one thing, Jim kept his freshness in the climate.
She was still young and naive, with some girl's freshness.
The freshness, the quality, the flavor would be so much better.
On days like these, neither evening nor night bring freshness with them.
But it also has the freshness of representing a new voice.
What's more, the works, for all their freshness, were often thin.
He did not want the jokes to lose their freshness.