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It is similar to friability testing, but they are not the same thing.
Consistency, such as softening or small pieces that break off easily (friability).
Self rescue is difficult due to the friability of the ice and the rate at which the cold water will sap energy.
The majority of bones of these parts retained their integrity, although friability was increased.
Friability (or friable) is the ability of a solid substance to be reduced to smaller pieces with little effort.
Their friability generally leads to mountains with relatively smooth slopes such as Skiddaw itself.
She caused the separateness and individuality of all the Marsh inmates, the friability of the household.
Friability testing is a laboratory technique used by the pharmaceutical industry to test the likelihood of a tablet breaking into smaller pieces during transit.
The world's maddest food scientist is being tasked with solving our burger friability problems?)
This is because direct repair is impractical owing to the extreme friability of the thoracic duct.
Soil friability is the tendency of a mass of soil to crumble under the action of an applied force.
You will have to increase its fertility and improve its friability before using it again, but you can do this in late winter or very early spring.
I just don't know about stepping up the growth hormone, Vaagen's so uncertain about its effect on bone friability."
This texture relates to the friability of the soil which can come from earthworms and other organisms that have burrowed tunnels throughout the soil.
The coating feels like a thin, hard shell and encapsulates the white insulating ceramic to resolve its friability, except on the uncoated side.
Matatu knelt over it and studied the faint scuff-mark, then he blew gently on the surrounding sand to gauge its friability.
The concomitant blood-vessel friability and inflammation may give weight to circumstantial evidence for bidirectional transmission of HIV.
Some substances, such as polyurethane foams, show an increase in friability with exposure to ultraviolet radiation as present in sunlight.
To counteract their friability, honing stones may be treated with wax or sulfur to improve life; wax is usually preferred for environmental reasons.
These changes in the mucosa include friability of the mucosa and the presence of ectatic blood vessels at the surface.
Air in itself is, owing to its friability, quite soundless; only when its dissipation is prevented is its movement sound.
Friability of a product containing asbestos means that it is so soft and weak in structure that it can be broken with simple finger crushing pressure.
Carrstone can be used in much the same way as any other building stone but, with the disadvantages of friability and of being more difficult to cut by hand.
And when he look a few steps on the unattractive-looking soil, he found that it had the disconcerting friability of ashes that have dried once more after being wetted with rain.
Endoscopy in patients with pouchitis usually reveals erythematous pouch mucosa, loss of pseudocolonic vaculature or other architecture, and friability of the mucosa.