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No ordinary weapon was going to pass the electronic frisking, though.
"But I never hear from the grandmas complaining about the frisking."
The other, a man with a drooping mustache, did the frisking.
The frisking wasn't as complete as it had been yesterday.
"Would like to thank the Canadian border agents for the gentle frisking.
So you need not volunteer for a frisking.
Liz did a light magical frisking on them.
"I am Juan and this is Ferdinand," said the man who had watched the frisking.
When he had completed the frisking, he nodded to his companion, indicating that she was clean.
Brian nodded tentatively, as if he were still cowed by the ordeal of the frisking.
A thorough frisking, including inspecting the bottoms of feet, put most American airport security procedures to shame.
The frisking was quick, efficient, polite and insistent.
"I think it was a very insensitive thing to do," Mr. Williams said of the frisking.
Dunwood Marr had attended to the frisking.
I completed my frisking.
Judge Michael B. Mukasey said he would rule on the frisking later and would hear arguments about the search at the time of the trial.
His frisking was at evening hours, 'For then he lost his fear; But most before approaching showers, Or when a storm drew near.
Violations described in the report included random frisking of minority youth and coercing witnesses to testify in the Stuart case.
Subway riders called the Transit Police to complain of the frisking, and officers were sent to investigate, Sergeant Berry said.
The S.E.C. should monitor insider stock trades, and no sensible passenger minds the frisking for bombs at airports.
Our clothing, and the few possessions that remained to us after all the frisking, went into a separate room, while we had to go naked through the delousing.
Why's the Army Frisking Santa Claus?
So we pass solemnly through security and, feeling safer for the indignity of the mechanized frisking, board an airplane that may have a deadly icing habit.
"There are witnesses other than police that say that the frisking did occur, and others who claim that it did not," Mr. Holl said.