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They have a narrow, glittering blue "frontlet" above the bill.
Again, the frontlet is rotated according to the colour of the church year.
In 1932 the Romanesque portal was revealed on the south frontlet.
The antlers on each frontlet has been carefully trimmed maybe to reduce weight.
While he was kissing the idol the frontlet passed from the idol's mouth into his.
To counteract these, the elephant was again, in its turn, provided with a frontlet of steel.
He binds it upon his children's hands, and it is as a frontlet between their eyes.
The horse's armor was then discussed, with a frontlet, breastplate, and thigh-pieces.
What makes that frontlet on?
Some subspecies have a yellow frontlet.
The High Priest adds to those the breastplate, the apron, the robe, and the frontlet.
The adult male's crown is blackish with a glittery green patch over the bill (a "frontlet").
White horses with white frontlet plumes came round the Rotunda corner, galloping.
"Set such on a frontlet and what fear need a man longer have of the grimace of the redeyed power.
The frontlet is similar to the frontal, that is the exact width of the altar, but only ten to twelve inches deep.
In the tent he found a maiden sitting, with a golden frontlet on her forehead and a gold ring on her hand.
The specific name frontalis is a reference to its dark maroon frontlet - a feature which separates it from most similar species.
The male has a black frontlet, face and throat, a rufous chest, and buff or white belly.
Lutherans also use a single fair linen on their altar, though many use the coloured frontlet or frontal as well.
Only this month, a beautifully carved frontlet showing a man with teeth and eyes made of abalone shells was voluntarily returned by a Parisian collector.
Like the frontal the frontlet is fastened to either the cere cloth or the linen cloth.
Unfortunately, the scaly head of the Aliansa leader with its horned frontlet was a distant, uncertain target.
Some Churches use a frontlet and no frontal, especially where the altar is richly decorated and a frontal would hide it.
As a guarantee of good treatment, Jeffryes presented each of them with a coronet or frontlet adorned with false jewels.
His forehead was bound with a wreath of sweet grass, in place of a warrior's frontlet, and he carried a bunch of flowers in his hand.