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Sometimes one found them frothing with water from the spring.
The water began to froth around them, as if the entire sea were coming to life.
And even then I have to claim that he was frothing.
All I needed to do was keep her mind frothing so he could get at anything interesting in there.
He then started frothing at the mouth and had a fit.
"What are you going to do when your water starts frothing?"
Here it is an election year, and he's not frothing at the mouth.
She was frothing at the mouth, looked ready to cry.
They frothed at the mouth and cursed me with their eyes.
When this bunch hear about that, they'll really start frothing at the mouth.
Blood frothed over his mouth and he struggled to speak.
"You want me so much you're practically frothing at the mouth."
She could imagine him nearly frothing at the mouth with rage.
Then they frothed on, and I confronted them in my glory.
The men up high are actually frothing at the mouth, I hear."
The dog had remained inside the car, still frothing with rage.
Blood frothed from the foul thing's lips as it died.
I lowered my clutching hands and tried not to froth too much.
He helped me down into the spa, the water frothing around our legs.
I took a deep breath and ordered myself to stop frothing at the mouth.
I think this happens because the natural response to an overwhelming experience is to get frothed up.
Bright blood frothed from his nose and mouth as he fell.
I just nodded off when they frothed on about Sonia.
We wanted this man fit to give us answers and he'd be hard put to talk if he was frothing at the mouth.
Unless he actually falls down and starts frothing at the mouth.