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Chilled water is often used to cool a building's air and equipment.
Chilled water and ice from a dispenser in the door.
Chilled water, olive oil, vinegar and salt are then added to taste.
Chilled water or ice may also be used to counteract the temperature rise during high-speed mixing.
Chilled water and sports drinks must be readily available for use whenever a player wants them, not just at assigned breaks.
In 2003, the utility also began providing Chilled water for air conditioning in downtown buildings.
"Chilled wine, salad-those dreadful sandwiches you like so much."
Chilled glass beauty globes, which look like miniature barbells and feel like ice cubes, announced the session was over.
"Chilled claws make welcome bedfellows with roaring fireplaces,' if you get my gist, Wilf."
Chilled water temperatures can range from 35 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 to 7 degrees Celsius), depending upon application requirements.
"Requiem" on Global Chilled Volume 2 (2003)
Chilled water is supplied from a chiller that is potentially located very far away, but refrigerant must come from a nearby condensing unit.
"Chilled wine, caviar, sandwiches, brie . . . you pack quite a lunch," Stoner said.
Fresh and Chilled Atlantic Salmon from Norway Inv.
Global Chilled - Chillout, Vol.
Chilled water is a commodity often used to cool a building's air and equipment, especially in situations where many individual rooms must be controlled separately, such as a hotel.
Chilled water cooling is very different from typical residential air conditioning where a refrigerant is pumped through an air handler to cool the air.
Chilled Chinese eggplant marinated in garlic sauce can be delicious; here its mild flavor was obscured by an overly acidic dipping sauce.
'Maybe I Should' on Global Chilled Volume 1 (2003)
Utopia (Chilled Classics Phillips 472 064-2) With Operahouse.
Chilled water: the company owns one chiller plant in downtown Jacksonville which provides the commodity to nearby facilities to heat and cool their buildings' air and equipment.
Their version (the "Chilled Out remix") downplayed the "classic Bond" sound in favour of a more recognisable Garbage style.
Chilled water is used to cool and dehumidify air in mid- to large-size commercial, industrial, and institutional (CII) facilities.
DAHI VADA - Chilled patties of ground lentils soaked in spiced yogurt.
Rich Smith(voicetracked "Chillout" Glide Chilled show)
I am frozen to the marrow by this icy dullness.
How could she be sweating when she was frozen to the marrow?
The man and the dog lay side by side, warming themselves one against the other, but frozen to the marrow, nevertheless.
I'm wet to the bone, frozen to the marrow, and hungry as a famished wolf!'
Frozen to the marrow, having eaten nothing but horsemeat for days, and heartsick at Alun's death, the last thing I expected or wanted was my Chief Bard withholding important information from me.
But wherever they have come from, I have no doubt that, as winter approaches once more, we shall again be standing, frozen to the marrow, on that blasted heath - waiting for the weather to improve to 'dreadful'.
Once more they beheld the face of the sun, and rejoiced in its warmth as only those can rejoice who for days and nights have lived in semi- darkness, wet to the skin and frozen to the marrow.
She realized that she was feeling it too, frozen to the marrow in this bitter East wind which kept whipping her cloak off her shoulders as contemptuously as if it had been made of pocket-handkerchieves instead of tablecloths, her stomach hollow and aching, her head feeling light and aching a little too.