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I use the little fruit knife on the apple, silent for a while.
Having left two small plates ready, she now reached for them and gave me one, together with a fruit knife.
Police said that the murder weapon was a fruit knife five days later.
He was stabbed by a 47-year-old mental patient with a fruit knife, the police said.
Can I have your fruit knives with the flowery handles?
The girl had probably never handled any weapon more lethal than a fruit knife in her life.
"You need a clean plate and a fruit knife."
"Do any of you have a fruit knife?"
She touched the handle of the fruit knife embedded there and gave me a puzzled glance.
He handed the glass to Anne, then took the fruit knife and sliced off a chunk of apple.
I stared at his mantelpiece, only to have my attention stick on a fruit knife driven into the wood.
But then he sat down next to his father, who was cutting an orange rind circularly with a fruit knife.
In it was a silver fruit knife.
Opposite the colonel, Lord Ridge shook his fruit knife at her.
Bernard asked for a lemon and a lime, which appeared immediately on a white plate beside an Italian fruit knife.
In my pocket I now had a fruit knife with a thin pliable blade, and a couple of long skewers.
She grabs a fruit knife and screams at the ghost to back off, but an unseen force causes her to stab herself in the eyes.
Sir Marcus laid down the fruit knife.
He had a little pearl-handled fruit knife with a jagged blade, which he used to cut the peel.
She picked up the fruit knife.
I wouldn't have thought you could stab someone with a fruit knife, but old Madelena managed.
He prised off the seal with the tip of the silver fruit knife, and opened the letter, scanning the first page.
Inos took a fruit knife and reached across the table to tap her surprised companion on both shoulders.
I advanced the silver fruit knife.
The burly Weinberg knocked one of the intruders unconscious and slashed another with a fruit knife before being shot to death.