Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
With the fuel valve turned off, the engine used the remaining gas in the lines.
Training took over as he switched off the engine, closed fuel valves, shut down power.
Test readings showed that one of two fuel valves leading to power unit No. 2 was stuck open.
One of the engine's primary fuel valves had opened too slowly at the ignition.
Polly twisted the water fuel valve to no effect.
In July 1985, engines were stopped when computers detected a fuel valve flaw.
The day begins at sunrise and an army of engineers check everything from the fuselage to the fuel valve.
Computers detected that a fuel valve that was supposed to close had remained open.
For this, use the fuel valve manually operated to allow passage to the "reserve" position.
In addition it featured a fuel valve to enable the ability for mid race refuelling.
The second countdown for the mission began today after technicians replaced a leaky fuel valve.
Vertical side covers contained multiple slats and a circular fuel valve.
The main fuel valve controlled the flow of fuel to the thrust chamber.
The other shuttle, Atlantis, was also grounded when an associated fuel valve sprang a leak in a test.
The investigation revealed that the collision was caused by the fuel valve selector being in an improper position.
The fuel valve on the Venox is automatic.
Or I could open the two fuel valves and let them mix for ten minutes or so before hitting the igniter.
Countdown briefly halted at T-31 seconds when computer software failed to shut down a fuel valve line on ground support equipment.
Larger pieces - fuel valves, turbopumps and oxygen tanks - rest on wooden crates.
A fuel valve to symbolize petroleum products5.
But in the final second before ignition, a computer halted the countdown when a sensor warned that a fuel valve had not closed completely.
The flame detector remains operational to kill the fuel valves if the flame should fail.
Unfortunately, the rocket exploded within seconds of ignition because of a faulty fuel valve.
They act like terminally horny plebes until someone drains their fuel valves."
He turned a key, fiddled with a fuel valve on the side of the ancient machine, and leaped up to come down on a pedal.