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The Headmaster, who had written so fulsomely, was not present.
"Oh, well, in that case you definitely want the job," the guy said, fulsomely.
You have answered the first part of my question very fulsomely, and I thank you for that.
"Oh, most of the time, it's not anything so dramatic," he assured her fulsomely.
Did all Americans make their confessions as fulsomely as this?
"There are some Soviet interests to which we can respond more fulsomely than the Americans will."
That would be why you announced yourself so fulsomely.'
I wrote about him fulsomely in two memoirs.
I felt that was entirely self-evident and thus regarded her in fulsomely patient silence.
Bollywood tends to congratulate itself even more frequently and fulsomely than Hollywood.
If she spoke for him too fulsomely, Lurcanio wouldn't believe her.
The crowd, flushed by the joy of their own singing, respond even more fulsomely to the final chorus.
Everything was tumbling out fulsomely from the Cornucopia of Fate.
I poked him in his purse, where the merchants' coins still clinked fulsomely.
So fulsomely did he extol his fellow academy officers that the meal itself had to be delayed.
This will allow all those who have spoken so fulsomely in favour today to put their money where their mouth is.
But nobody praised private equity, risk taking, capital more fulsomely than Newt Gingrich.
Gabriel put her hand over her heart, sighing fulsomely. '
What's more, I had to argue fulsomely against Edward's being sacked."
Only last week she'd got top marks in a History test and Miss Holden had fulsomely congratulated her.
"It is a spell," Magior said fulsomely, "of unusual complexity and power."
To put it less fulsomely and more specifically, Robbins sought to turn the humble musical comedy into something approaching a totally unified work of art.
"I heard you thanking him fulsomely for something or other. . ..
There was copious hot water, a fulsomely kitted-out kitchen, and - for once on a French holiday - extremely comfortable beds.
She had spent the morning listening to boring briefings by city officials and scientists who fulsomely praised Vanguard's high technology and public spirit.