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They are also made more responsible with their Fundamental Duties.
Protecting the public from crime is one of the most fundamental duties of the state.
Leapor, a committed Anglican, believes that life's fundamental duties are spiritual.
But: You do not have to remove the essential functions (i.e., fundamental duties) of the job.
One of the Commission' s fundamental duties is to monitor the implementation of directives.
It laid down the Fundamental Duties of Indian citizens to the nation.
Fundamental duties of the Bank are as follows:
The new Federal law does not protect workers who cannot perform the fundamental duties of their jobs, but it is nonetheless expected to have sweeping repercussions.
Now, though, the coarse political customs here have become so entrenched that state leaders have been all but unable to perform their most fundamental duties.
S/he must be able to perform the job's essential functions (i.e., its fundamental duties) with or without a reasonable accommodation.
At sea, the mate on watch has three fundamental duties: to navigate the ship, to safely avoid traffic, and to respond to emergencies.
The Fundamental Duties were later added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976.
All trustees have several fundamental duties and responsibilities imposed by the Code and general principles of long-standing common law.
Article 8 of the Constitution defines Fundamental Duties in Bhutan.
Reconciliation with the Jews is one of the most fundamental duties of Christians in Europe."
He believed in Republicanism, with a faith only less devoted than that with which he embraced the fundamental duties and spiritual facts of life.
"I certainly don't think that anyone ever contemplated a wholesale delegation of fundamental duties" to the states, Mr. Hasselman said.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of our fundamental duties nowadays as politicians and citizens is to preserve our European cultural heritage for future generations.
"To develop scientific temper" is one of the fundamental duties of the Indian citizens, according to the Constitution of India.
Part IVA - Fundamental Duties.
If we were to send this message and the accounts were not really clear, we Members of Parliament would be failing in one of our fundamental duties.
Since they express man's fundamental duties towards God and towards his neighbour, the Ten Commandments reveal, in their primordial content, grave obligations.
Will the Christian Democrats support these fundamental rights if they are described as fundamental duties? - because they are duties as well as rights.
The Fundamental Duties are defined as the moral obligations of all citizens to help promote a spirit of patriotism and to uphold the unity of India.
In cases where workers are employed in an environment where they are exposed to agents that pose a health risk, a risk assessment is one of the employer's fundamental duties.