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We're not going in to try to furbish a political image.
We arrived in time to furbish up and get to the English church before services began.
As we exchange these few but amiable remarks, about country houses, I furbish him up and make him concrete.
He had done little to furbish his rooms and solicited Killashandra's assistance.
After the long rest they had been able to brush and furbish up their best uniforms, until they were both neat and bright.
Even a suggestion from 1918, to furbish a gravesite for the imperial leadership, did not come to fruition.
A very self-sufficient man, Bénezet, very orderly in his management of his affairs, needing no woman to wash and furbish for him.
This venture, which is called Million Programme (Miljonprogrammet), was made in order to furbish up the area and make it more friendly to live in.
"Take it from me, chief," volunteered the lieutenant, "this mug Arnaud is the same guy who called himself Furbish up at the Royal Arms.
After the evening meal, the apprentices went to furbish up their new homes, and Halef Seif came for Alanna.
"Then, signior, I lay on you my sovereign behest to furbish up your lungs and other vocal organs, as they will be wanted on my royal service."
BTW-Sorry, there's no money left, so we can't furbish you with the recondite counselling, therapy and clinical treatement to remediate your addiction.
She would have Sophie to look over all her "toilettes," as she called frocks; to furbish up any that were "passees," and to air and arrange the new.
As the height of luxury, Meg put out some of her sewing, and then found time hang so heavily that she fell to snipping and spoiling her clothes in her attempts to furbish them up a'la Moffat.