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There was no furtiveness about his entrance, and he moved like a man on serious business.
Furtiveness had become a matter of course for him.
"We shall go together; there is no need for furtiveness!"
No one who sees him can avoid noticing his furtiveness.
Only his eyes let him down: so busy looking for the main chance, they suggested furtiveness.
There was a furtiveness about the last night's spying which made him wary.
But this time there was no furtiveness about it.
The first flame appeared, with a sort of timid furtiveness.
There was an uneasiness about, even a faint air of furtiveness.
I was aware that all of them watched me with a certain furtiveness which raised my spirits a little.
I said, for he had abruptly cut off the sentence, and there was a trace of furtiveness about him.
When he turned, he showed his first signs of furtiveness.
But there was a gauntness, a furtiveness, about him that Michael found all too familiar.
But she hated the need for secrecy and furtiveness.
Unlikely; there would have been none of this furtiveness.
He held his head high and his eyes lost then- apologetic furtiveness.
But a certain furtiveness must have accompanied this scheme.
No more of that furtiveness which he hated.
"So despite her furtiveness, what do we know about Kelly's actions on the last day of her life?"
There is no furtiveness about their morning drink.
I am about to call out a cheerful greeting to him, when something in the furtiveness of his movements stops me.
It was a look compounded of furtiveness and pride.
Furtiveness was a national habit now, not even the Second Restoration had changed that.
And Dean is right to look for a buried explanation for the administration's furtiveness.
What need for "suspiciously," with its implications of furtiveness and skulking?