Whether it will have any major effect, I couldn't say.
Due to the course being well above sea level, the wind often has a major effect.
Both events had major effects upon his life and writing.
Disease of the leaves results in three major effects: 1.
The state budget can have a major effect on the city's spending plan.
"I think this case will have a major effect on the committee."
The major effect is expected to be seen in the current quarter.
The technology base program has also had a major effect on American industry.
Those games will have a major effect on the race's outcome.
But the major effects of this crisis are yet to come.
The primary results revealed that the mixture was more effective than using salt alone.
The primary results did change the finances of the race.
The law requires the original candidate's name to be the ballot if the change is made after the primary results have been certified.
Nevertheless, the primary results provide an opening for hope.
Almost everyone could find some comfort in yesterday's Democratic primary results.
Organizers said they would invite all the candidates once the primary results were certified.
In turn, the deliberators would balance some of the less helpful primary results.
You need only look at the primary results from when Romney was running back in 2008:
It will not be easy, as the primary results on Tuesday demonstrated.
In the primary results, he was trailing Tavares by about 100 votes.